Saturday, June 20, 2009


MAGIC 8 BALL® thumbMAGIC 8 BALL® is one of Activities-Amusements-Best-Selling
Brand : mattel, Our Price : $9.99


List Price : $9.99
Our Price : $9.99
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Manufacturer : mattel

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Product ASIN : B00001ZWV7

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Average Rating :

Total Review :

Label : _Activities-Amusements-Best-Selling, Brand_mattel


  1. Get a sneak preview into the future
  2. Great fun for kids and adults
  3. Answers questions about romance, friendships, school, work, and more
  4. Ask any question, turn over the Magic 8 Ball, and you\'ll get its answer
  5. The original Magic 8 Ball has all the answers you need

Editorial Review
Ever wish you could see into the future? If you answered without a doubt or signs point to yes, you are in luck. It is easy to get a sneak preview into the future with Mattel's Magic 8 Ball. Take all the guesswork out of finding the answers to life's more perplexing questions. Yes, this is the same Magic 8 Ball you remember from the past, and it is just as reliable as ever. If you don't get the results you are after, you can always ask again later! --Alison Golder
Product Description
This magical ball may actually change your life! Just ask it a question then turn it over to reveal the answer. Ask it about matters of the heart-- will she be willing to go Dutch? Ask it about stock and bond choices-- did I see my broker on America's Most Wanted? Probe about the deep, dark secrets of friends and associates-- is that a toupee? Use for entertainment purposes only. (Please don't use it to bet junior's college money on a horse race. That would be a misuse of the ball.) Measures 4 in diameter.

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User Reviews for MAGIC 8 BALL®

Superior vintage toy!!
This is superior legendary toy, everybody wants it! Everybody knows it\'s just a toy, but still believes in answers a little.. ;))
8 Ball Helps Me At Work!!!
My Magic 8 Ball helps streamline my decision making at work. Much better than Sham-Wow even.
Mystical pool hall oracle
I never had one of these as a kid, but I saw it on an episode of House, and decided to get one as an adult. Sure it\'s silly, but we all need silly every now and then. :)
Without a doubt...
My son took my magic 8-ball off my desk today while I was surfing on Amazon. I took the Magic 8-ball and asked \"Should I write a review about you, Magic 8-ball?\" The reply was \"without a doubt\", so here I am typing up my review.

I do not know or remember where this Magic 8-ball came from. I only know that it seems to have always been here, on my desk. I have moved houses a few times, and it always ends up back on my desk. I am not sure why it stays there because I have never used it in the course of my business. I try to save it for the really important questions that life throws my way.

For instance I asked it today \"Are we in a depression?\", the reply was \"better not tell you now\". So I was confused and asked \"will you tell me later?\" and it responded \"ask again later\". Isn\'t that amazing? I can\'t wait for later to find out the answer.

The Magic 8-ball has usually steered me in the right direction. An example would be a few years ago I asked \"Should I invest in Enron?\", the Magic 8-ball replied \"my answer is no\". Wow, did that save me a ton of money! How could it possibly know that Enron was going to fail? Oh wait, its MAGIC!!!

Now there have been a few times when the Magic 8-ball has been not only wrong, but horribly wrong. The most recent was a few weeks ago when I turned from my desk and saw my dog chewing an electrical cord. I asked the Magic 8-ball \"should I go unplug that electrical cord to keep the dog from getting shocked?\" The Magic 8-ball replied \"my sources say no\". So I did not unplug the cord.

I turned around and focused on the work I was doing and then a few minutes later I hear some weird noises and smell burnt fur. What is happening? Then I remembered the dog. By the time I spun around the dog was on fire. Not a huge raging fire, but enough of a fire to light 4 or 5 cigars at once. I yelled at the dog \"STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!!\", but when that did not work I realized I had never trained her to use that technique, something I must remedy later. I ran over and was about to stomp out the fire, but then realized it might hurt the dog, and more importantly I was barefoot, so I ended up throwing my margarita on her, luckily for her I had that drink in my hand so early in the day. I am sure it was past five o\'clock somewhere. That put out the fire and taught me a good lesson, never ask the Magic 8-ball any questions regarding electricity. Good to know.

An update on my dog, she is fine now. We had to cut off the burnt fur and used our Wahl 79900N Clip-N-Trim 23-Piece Complete Haircut Kit, while not specifically made for fur, it did a fine job. And the fur will grow back eventually. The good part is she no longer likes the taste of extension cords.

PS: I figured enough time had passed to re-ask my \"Are we in a depression?\" question and the Magic 8-ball replied \"Most likely\". Oh well, hope it does not last long.
lots of fun!
FUN FUN FUN, a wise word for every day, helps to solve problems about every matter... always at my night table, also, a cool decoration item.


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